Texas payday and car loan. Better Business Bureau Serving North Central Texas

Based on information furnished by the Georgia Secretary of check my reference State’s workplace, Title Loans of America, Inc. included in Georgia March 2, 1994. Title Loans of America, Inc., Filed articles of amendment using the Georgia Secretary of State 14, 2001 formally changing its name to Community Loans of America, Inc. Community Loans of American incorporated March 2, 1994 lists Terry E. Fields as Secretary/CFO and Robert Reich as CEO december.

A Georgia Profit Corporation merged with Community Loans of America, Inc., a Florida non-qualifying entity on December 31, 2010, according to documentation obtained from the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office, Community Loans of America, Inc. The surviving company in the merger is Community Loans of United states, Inc., a Georgia business.

Relating to information furnished by the Georgia Secretary of State’s workplace, Title Loans of America, Inc. incorporated in Georgia March 2, 1994. Title Loans of America, Inc., Filed articles of amendment aided by the Georgia Secretary of State December 14, 2001 formally changing its title to Community Loans of America, Inc. Community Loans of American included March 2, 1994 lists Terry E. areas as Secretary/CFO and Robert Reich as CEO.

On December 31, 2010, relating to paperwork acquired through the Georgia Secretary of State’s workplace, Community Loans of America, Inc., a Georgia income Corporation merged with Community Loans of America, Inc., a Florida non-qualifying entity. The surviving business in the merger is Community Loans of American, Inc., a Georgia business.

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